Look Out Primary School Celebrates Valentine’s Day with Creative Door Decorating Competition

On the 14th of February 2024, Look Out Primary School embraced the spirit of Valentine’s Day by hosting an engaging door decorating competition. The event not only encouraged students to unleash their creativity but also integrated essential skills, requiring them to follow instructions and apply the measurement skills they learn in Mathematics.

Participation in the competition was open to students from Kindergarten through Grade 6, fostering a sense of inclusivity and unity across the entire school. Each class brought forth their unique ideas, transforming ordinary doors into vibrant expressions of love and creativity.

In a heartwarming twist, the lower school category saw the Kindergarten students emerge as the winners, showcasing their enthusiasm and artistic flair. On the upper school front, Grade 5 took the spotlight, demonstrating their creativity and attention to detail.

To celebrate their achievements, both the Kindergarten and Grade 5 classes will receive well-deserved prizes. This not only serves as recognition for their dedication and effort, but also acts as motivation for future creative endeavours at the school.

The Valentine’s Day door decorating competition at Look Out Primary School not only added a festive touch to the day, but also provided a platform for students to blend artistic expression with academic skills, creating a well-rounded and enriching experience for all.

Check out the contributions from the other classes below:

SOURCELook Out Primary School
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