Politics News

Guyana will continue to prosper under current administration says President Ali

President Dr. Irfaan Ali has reaffirmed Guyana’s ongoing transformation and projected growth under the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government.

Split within Haiti’s recently installed CPT over prime minister position

The Fanmi Lavalas political party of former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, is threatening to withdraw from the presidential transition council (CPT) if Fritz Bélizaire is not removed as prime minister.

Haiti’s CPT elects new president, new prime minister

The former president of the Haitian senate, Edgard Leblanc Fils was on Tuesday named as the president of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) as efforts continue to restore peace and security in the French-speaking Caribbean Community (Caricom) country.

Antigua & Barbuda rubbishes US story about its relationship with China

The Antigua and Barbuda government has brushed aside a report by a US publication that the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country had become the “front yard” for China with Beijing being able to exert undue influence on the Gaston Browne administration. 

Cuba, US hold migration talks

The Government of Cuba has reaffirmed its willingness to comply with policies established in a bilateral agreement with the United States concerning irregular migration.

SVG: PM defends ULP’s decision to keep billboards repeatedly burnt  

The Prime Minister of St. Vincent and The Grenadine, Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, has defended his Unity Labour Party’s (ULP) decision to keep on permanent display at Frenches Gate, Kingstown, the billboards promoting him and his party, which have been set on fire twice since they were erected years ago.

Grenada and Cuba signs MOU aim at developing the agriculture sector

Grenada and Cuba have signed an agreement that is intended to result in the Spanish speaking country providing technical assistance and support aimed at boosting, developing and enhancing the agriculture sector.

Haiti names members of transitional council set to take power

Haiti's government on Tuesday named the members of a transitional council set to take power when Prime Minister Ariel Henry steps down - inching closer to putting in place measures that could restore security in the violence-wracked country.

Political parties lash out at Haiti PM over council limbo

The Haitian parties set to form a long-awaited governing council have called for the body to be installed “as soon as possible”, accusing the outgoing prime minister of changing the terms of their earlier deal.

Transitional council in Haiti to choose new leaders is formally established...

A transitional council tasked with choosing Haiti's next prime minister and Cabinet was established Friday in a move supporters hope will help quell turmoil in the troubled Caribbean country where most of the capital remains under the grip of criminal gangs.